Thursday, January 24, 2013

alponas: JHS AP Biology: Big Idea 1

?Adaptation of an Animal: Opposable thumbs are an adaptation in humans which allow them to grip objects, as demonstrated here.
?Adaptation of a Plant: ?The apple tree has adapted to produce fruit, namely apples. ?By producing apples, animals will eat its seed an help it to reproduce.
?Amniotic Egg: ?This egg is an excellent example egg! ?Amniotic eggs allow animals to live and reproduce on land, while previously they had to be in the water.
?Angiosperm: ?An angiosperm is characterized by its production of flowers. ?Angiosperms also produce endosperm in their seeds, and their seeds are contained in fruits.
?Arachnid: ?A spider (an arachnid) made the web seen in this picture. ?All arachnids have eight legs and they include spiders, scorpions, and ticks.
?Arthropod: ?This pillbug/isopod/roly-poly is an arthropod. ?Arthropods are the phylum containing animals with exoskeletons, jointed appendages, and segmented bodies. ?Insects, arachnids, and crustaceans are some of the arthropods.
?Bilateral Symmetry: ?When both halves of something look identical. ?In nature this would occur with organisms, rather than clocks, but you get the point.
?Artificial Selection: ?This grapefruit was selected because of its large size. ?Therefore, humans have selected the trait for big grapefruits, and perhaps pass it along to future generations.
?Deuterostome: ?There is actually a bird in this tree, but if I told you were it is, that would be too easy. ?A deuterostome is an animal whose first body cavity in embryonic development becomes its anus. ?Sea urchins, sea stars, and all vertebrates are some examples of deuterostomes.
?Fungi: ?Fungi are in a seperate kingdom from plants and animals. ?One characteristic of fungi is that their cell walls contain chitin, rather than cellulose, as in plants. ?Some examples of fungi are yeast, molds, and mushrooms, as in the picture.
?Gymnosperm leaf: ?Gymnosperms are seed producing plants that differ from angiosperms in that rather than producing flowers and fruit, they simply produce seeds and cones. ?Conifers and cycads are gymnosperms.
?Lichen: ?Lichen usually consists of a fungus and an algae living together in a symbiotic relationship. ?Lichens can be found in some of the most extreme environments on Earth.
?Mycorrhizal fungi: ?Mycorrhiza is a symbiotic relationship between a fungus and a terrestrial plant. ?The majority of plants are in such a relationship, and therefore I am guessing that this tree is in a mycorrhizal relationship with a mycorrhizal fungus.

?Organisms in different plant divisions: 1) fern ?Pteridophyta?2) moss Bryophyta 3) palm Cycadophyta 4) flowering plant Anthophyta. ?Plant divisions are the phyla of plants, which is the next level of organization below kingdom.
?Seedless vascular plant: ?A seedless vascular plants is alike to any other vascular plant except that it does not produce seeds (shocking). ?Instead it reproduces via spores.
?Tetrapod: ?These tracks were made by a dog, which is a tetrapod. ?A tetrapod is any four-limbed animal, such as a frog, lizard, dog, mouse, or eagle.
Unicellular organism: ?This bread was made in part by yeast, which is a unicellular organism, meaning it consists of a single cell.


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