Sunday, December 9, 2012

This blog is your most important health resource | Midwest PRS ...

As I said previously, in the last blog post, we are entering a new era of healthcare, where people will have to become more responsible for maintaining their health and preventing disease, if they want to avoid being in a state of perpetual economic servitude to the health care system. It?s simple, really.

Let?s say you have a $5000 deductible (it may even be more), but you are on a statin, an antihypertensive medication, and a drug for type II diabetes. In many cases, the monthly cost of these medications may exceed $300. Maybe even more, though sometimes you can get the drug very cheaply, if your doctor recommends a generic/run-of-the-mill type of medication.

Either way, it will be up to you to talk with your doctor to find out (a) what is the cheapest medication that I can get away with (you may be finding yourself buying drugs from Canada if you live close to the border, for instance) and (b) if you can?t get a cheaper alternative, you will have to find a way to get off those drugs (which as you know, in many cases with proper diet and lifestyle such as carbohydrate restriction and the dedicated workout program that includes resistance training, you can get off these medications completely).

That means you?re saving $3600 a year (if you?re drugs cost $300 a month). That?s $3600 that you can spend someplace else, or save for your kids college or your retirement. It?s simple economics folks, and it?s ultimately, going to be up to you to make that decision.

But where to get information? Well, you may not be able to get it through your traditional doctor. More and more doctors are being subject to protocols that take a great deal of the decision-making out of their hands. These protocols are instituted either by government regulations or through the constraints third-party payer system (which includes both government payers and private payers). As a result you?re going to have to find the doctors who are committed to total health via natural means and alternative healthcare practitioners to help you. You think that silly? I don?t. Just start asking people if they see a chiropractor, natural path, or have gotten nutritional consultations. I do, and I?m simply shocked with how many people ? no matter their income level ? see a chiropractor regularly because they know that most doctors want to push drugs or ?cut on you?.

Mind you, these are reasonable people that they understand that if you have to cancer or broken leg, you need surgery. But most people, if they?re otherwise healthy don?t necessarily want to do surgery if they can avoid it through dietary measures or physical therapy or something else. They simply want an honest answer, and unfortunately, the reality is that when you have a third-party in a relationship, you cannot always get the answer that satisfies you because not only must it be agreeable to you, it must be agreeable to the third-party. This ultimately limits your choices and limits your ability to get the result that you want.

I know there a lot of people who are in the blogosphere who think that USDA is evil. I agree as well. It is pretty evil, not because they deal with Satan, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, etc. in anyway per se, but because the USDA is an insular body that is highly influenced by private firms (like Monsanto, for instance) who bargain and ask for special favors for their benefit subjecting people to their diktat?s without their feedback or consent.

Another word for this is tyrannical ? some people would even call a totalitarian.

I find it hard to disagree because the government should stay out of the food business. But since they already are in the food business, they need to be accountable to the feedback that they received from the people who actually consume the food.

But if you?re angry at the USDA, you should also be angry at the department of Health and Human Services. And I suggest you should even be more angry than the USDA because the Department of Health and Human Services is huge. It controls more dollars in our federal budget than you would believe. In fact, although I don?t know the exact statistics, I believe it competes or even exceeds the spending of the Department of Defense. And it contains plenty of insular bureaucrats who do not respond to your feedback, and unfortunately they have a big hand in sculpting healthcare policy, which excludes the most important people in the whole equation ? the doctor and the patient.

It does this in a similar fashion that the USDA does.

So the question then becomes how you address this? Much the same way that people addressed the USDA ? by opting out.

That is, by taking control back in their hands by actively searching out alternatives.

This is what my blog is all about ? giving you alternatives that are reasonable, and giving you real options rather than the ?heads I win tails you lose? option that federal agencies like the USDA and HHS give you. There are many other blogs out there that do the same thing and I?ve mentioned them. This is also what The Man Diet is all about.

I don?t get too hokey here and say this is all about personal liberty and your freedom because sometimes that gets a little too overwhelming for people to digest. But think about it. What?s more important than being able to make choices for yourself and the people that you love that are meaningful and can actually help them, rather than taking the multiple-choice test with one answer that you are being given by agencies that are forcing you to help yourself?

I?d rather chew on that for awhile any day, rather than GMO corn?



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