Monday, November 5, 2012

Twitter to add Instagram-style photo filters?

Is Twitter about to make Instagram-style filters available to users uploading photos?

According to the New York Times? Nick Bilton (who claims to have heard it from sources within Twitter) that?s exactly what?s happening as the microblogging service looks for ways to compete with rival social networks. Bilton claims the feature will arrive in the coming months.

The idea behind the move would be to give Twitter users a simple alternative to the Facebook-owned Instagram. If you can take a photo, add a sepia or other retro filter to it then upload it to Twitter, all from within your PC or smartphone?s Twitter app, why use Instagram ? especially if you cross-post your Instagram photos to Twitter anyway.

Twitter executives have previously toyed with the idea of purchasing an existing photo app and incorporating it into their product, but didn?t find anything they deemed worthy of the price tags being bandied around. And despite signing a deal with Photobucket for image storage, Twitter has started storing pictures on its own servers.

Bilton also claims that Twitter is exploring the idea of an integrated video service, allowing users to share video clips without having to upload them to YouTube.

Would filters encourage you to ditch Instagram, or do the two services work well enough together already. Drop us a line in the comments box below with your thoughts.

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