Thursday, November 8, 2012

Think Tank Initiative Policy Engagement and Communications ...

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The Think Tank Initiative has just launched a call for expressions of interest from qualified organisations to implement its Policy Engagement and Communications Support Program. The programme is based on a mentoring and facilitation approach. I will take the liberty to say that some guidance on what this means, and some lessons in fact, can be found in my experience earlier this year with four Latin American think tanks and on the review of?alternative approaches that I worked on with Martine Zeuthen.

Another liberty: I would encourage think tanks in the regions or think tanks in developed countries, but not ?international development? think tanks and consultancies, to apply. It is not that I have anything against them but I think that mentoring demands that the people providing the support have a reference of the experience and the skills being shared. One example of this relationship for instance is the one that exists between IPPR (in the UK) and IPAR Rwanda. Or the supporting relationship that already exists between several Latin American think tanks via the Directores Ejecutivos de America Latina network.

I would also encourage therefore smaller operations in which real relationships can develop between those involved. And ideally that the relationship is one in which the think tanks being supported are in the driving seat of the process. They must want the help and they must be the ones who demand it.

In any case, this is already an interesting departure from the usual way of doing things; and I think it offers great opportunities for new relationships to be forged and new ideas to come into this sector. And I for one welcome that.

The full text is posted below in English, French and Spanish:

Call for Expressions of Interest ? Think Tank Initiative Policy Engagement and Communications Program, Coordinating Lead(s)

The Think Tank Initiative (TTI) is seeking Expressions of Interest from qualified organizations to implement its Policy Engagement and Communications Support Program. The objective of the program is to strengthen the ability of TTI-funded institutions to influence policy in ways that lead directly to improvements in people?s lives. The program is based on a mentorship/facilitation model that allows for both highly engaged support and constant learning across the program.

In an effort to attract a diverse range of organizations, TTI has made this call as open and inclusive as possible. Expressions of Interest are therefore being solicited from organizations that are interested in implementing the program in one or more of TTI?s four?regional levels?(West Africa, East Africa, Latin America and South Asia)?or at a?global level?across all the programming regions. Organizations can submit Expressions of Interest that position them either as a regional or global implementer, or as combining regional and global implementation.

Interested organizations are invited to submit an Expression of Interest by?November 20, 2012, to?

Click?here?to view the full call.?

French Version

Appel ? Manifestation d?Int?r?t?: ??Programme de soutien ? l?engagement strat?gique et ? la communication de l?Initiative Think tank? Responsable de la coordination

L?Initiative Think tank est ? la recherche de manifestations d?int?r?t de la part d?organisations qualifi?es afin de mettre en ?uvre son Programme de soutien ? l?engagement strat?gique et ? la communication. L?objectif du programme est de renforcer la capacit? des institutions subventionn?es par l?ITT d?exercer une influence sur les politiques de mani?re ? engendrer une am?lioration directe des conditions de vie de la population. Le programme est fond? sur un mod?le de mentorat/facilitation qui permet ? la fois un appui tr?s actif et un apprentissage permanent ? l??chelle du programme.

Afin d?attirer un large ?ventail d?organisations, l?ITT lance ce pr?sent appel d?une mani?re aussi ouverte et inclusive que possible. Par la pr?sente, les manifestations d?int?r?t sont sollicit?es aupr?s des organisations int?ress?es ? mettre en ?uvre le programme dans l?une ou plusieurs des quatre?r?gions?de l?ITT (Afrique de l?Ouest, Afrique de l?Est, Am?rique latine et Asie du Sud) ou au?niveau mondial, c?est-?-dire dans toutes les r?gions concern?es par le programme. Les organisations peuvent pr?senter une manifestation d?int?r?t relativement ? la mise en ?uvre du programme, soit ? l??chelle r?gionale, soit ? l??chelle mondiale, ou en combinant la mise en ?uvre aux niveaux r?gional et mondial.

Les organisations int?ress?es sont invit?es ? pr?senter une expression d?int?r?t d?ici le 20 novembre, 2012, ??

Cliquez ici?pour acc?der ? l?appel ? manifestation d?int?r?t d?taill?.?

Spanish Version

T?rminos de Referencia ? Coordinador L?der del Programa de Apoyo a la Extensi?n Pol?tica y Comunicaci?n de la Iniciativa Think Tank

El objetivo del Programa de Apoyo a la Extensi?n Pol?tica y Comunicaci?n de la Iniciativa Think Tank (ITT) es ayudar a las instituciones financiadas por la Iniciativa a que fortalezcan sus esfuerzos en comunicaci?n y divulgaci?n, de modo de llegar e integrar en forma m?s efectiva a los usuarios de sus investigaciones y en definitiva, para mejorar sus oportunidades de influir las pol?ticas. El programa se basa en un modelo de tutor?a/facilitaci?n que permite tanto el apoyo comprometido como el aprendizaje constante a trav?s de todo el programa.

La Iniciativa Think Tank (ITT) est? buscando expresiones de inter?s de organizaciones calificadas para implementar este programa. En un esfuerzo para atraer a una amplia gama de organizaciones, la ITT ha hecho este llamado lo m?s abierto e inclusivo posible. Por lo tanto se solicitan las expresiones de inter?s de las organizaciones que est?n interesadas en la aplicaci?n del programa en?una o m?s de las cuatro regiones?de la ITT (?frica Occidental, ?frica Oriental, Am?rica Latina y Asia del Sur) o a un?nivel global?para coordinar todas las regiones de programaci?n. Las organizaciones pueden presentar expresiones de inter?s para la ejecuci?n a nivel regional o a nivel global.

Las organizaciones interesadas est?n invitadas a presentar una expresi?n de inter?s antes del final del d?a del?20 de noviembre?de 2012?a?

Presione?aqu??para ver los T?rminos de Referencia

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