Friday, August 31, 2012

Court scraps zoning law for X-rated clubs, shops

Spencer Platt / Getty Images, file

Pedestrians pass an adult store in Times Square in New York City. The state's supreme court on Thursday deemed that a set of amendments in 2001 meant to tighten the city's regulation of strip clubs, topless bars and adult video and book stores violated the constitutional protections of free speech and were unnecessary.

By NBC News staff and wire reports

NEW YORK -- A New York City zoning law designed to keep adult entertainment businesses away from schools, churches and residential neighborhoods was deemed unconstitutional by a New York state judge on Thursday.

Justice Louis York of the New York State Supreme Court in Manhattan said a set of amendments in 2001 meant to tighten the city's regulation of strip clubs, topless bars and adult video and book stores violated the constitutional protections of free speech and were unnecessary.

York said adult establishments today differ from their predecessors by having less garish signage and by segregating their erotica from more mainstream parts of their business, making them less conspicuous to the public.

"These entities no longer operate in an atmosphere placing more dominance of sexual matters over non-sexual ones," York said, ruling on two lawsuits lodged by a group of adult businesses against the city.

Thursday's ruling will have the biggest effect on the dozens of bars, restaurants, book and video stores that offer adult entertainment alongside non-X-rated services.

According to The New York Times, the original 1995 city law?defined an "adult establishment" as any business where more than 40 percent of its material was sexually oriented in nature.

The 1995 law helped break up clusters of sexually themed businesses and scatter them to New York City's industrial areas, the Times said. As a result, many city neighborhoods were remade and gentrified, according to the paper.

But by the end of the decade, city authorities believed that many of these outlets, often referred to as "60-40 establishments," merely kept a few shelves of non-X-rated material on their premises in order to mask the true nature of their business, according to the Times.

The 2001 amendments defined many such establishments as "adult enterprises" and barred them from operating closer than 500 feet from other sexually oriented venues, or from schools, places of worship and homes.

Current city guidelines allow venues where less than 40 percent of space or inventory is devoted to sexually explicit activities to operate anywhere in the city.

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Studies don't link crime rates and strip clubs, judge says
York noted that studies presented to the court concluded that the presence of adult establishments did not increase crime rates or lower property value, as previously believed.

"Accordingly there is no need for the 2001 amendments ... they are a violation of free-speech provisions of the U.S. and state constitutions," he said.

Martin P. Mehler, a lawyer for several topless clubs in the case, told the Times that the city's defense of the 2001 amendments failed because the original rule had worked.

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"We have adhered to what the law was," Mehler told the Times.

"It has accomplished its goal of doing away with that tawdry atmosphere that used to exist in Times Square, and there was no need to take away a basic First Amendment right," the newspaper quoted him as saying.

The ruling was a loss for city officials who have sought to crack down on what they call "sham compliance" by venues that employ methods such as piling stacks of children's videos on the floor in order to ostensibly devote 60 percent of their inventory to non-adult material.

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Robin Binder, deputy chief of the administrative law division of the City Law Department, said her agency would appeal the decision.

"The city's ability to regulate adult establishments is critical to preserving neighborhood quality of life," Binder said in a statement.

'That's just un-American'
Others called the ruling a triumph for freedom.

"It's wrong for a city or a state to say, 'We're banning this type of literature, and we're not going to allow you to read or see it,' " Herald Price Fahringer, an attorney for video stores represented in the lawsuits, told the Times.

"That's just un-American," the newspaper quoted him as saying.

Reuters contributed to this report.

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Little relief at the pump this Labor Day

NEW YORK (AP) ? The big spike in gasoline prices is just about over, but it's too late to bring much relief for Labor Day weekend.

The national average price for gasoline inched up just 0.3 cents Friday to $3.83 per gallon, ending a string of dramatic increases caused by Hurricane Isaac.

"We're in the ninth inning of this," said Tom Kloza, chief oil analyst at the Oil Price Information Service.

Still, drivers will pay the highest pump prices ever for this time of year.

The sky-high prices are keeping people like David Keup of Cedarburg, Wis., home. He was planning to visit a few friends near Coleman, Wis. this weekend, but now he's going to abandon the 285-mile round trip.

"It's not worth the added expense," he said.

Isaac, now slowly disintegrating over the middle of the country, forced several Gulf Coast refineries to shut down or operate at lower rates. This is deprived markets of millions of gallons of gasoline and sent prices sharply higher.

The storm pushed the national average gasoline price up 10 cents per gallon in one week, including a 5 cent gain Wednesday that was the biggest one-day gain since February of 2011.

But the price surge appears to be over. Kloza expects average gasoline prices to creep higher during the weekend then start falling after Labor Day, the last big driving weekend of the summer.

Pump prices were on the rise even before Isaac arrived. The average gasoline price rose about 40 cents from July 1 to mid-August because of refinery problems in the Midwest and West Coast, and sharply higher crude oil prices.

Crude has traded between $94 and $97 per barrel for two weeks, after rising from a low near $77 in late June.

On Friday U.S benchmark crude rose $1.85 to end at $96.47 per barrel after Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke made clear in a speech that the central bank will do more to revive the U.S. economy.

Brent Crude, which is used to price oil used by many U.S. refiners, rose $1.92 to $114.57 per barrel.

In a speech at an annual Fed conference in Jackson Hole, Wyo., Bernanke said the economic recovery is "far from satisfactory" but he did not give any timetable for action that might reduce borrowing costs and help stimulate growth.

If the Fed reduces the cost of borrowing, it could boost demand for the energy needed to fuel growth and make oil and other commodities more attractive investments.

"With interest rates near zero, people look for somewhere to put their money. One of those places is the oil market," said energy analyst and consultant Jim Ritterbusch.

Ritterbusch expects them to stay roughly in the $95-per barrel range well into September. World oil demand is rising only slightly, and supplies are adequate. But continued worries over tensions between Iran and the West will keep prices from dropping. Expectations of financial stimulus programs from U.S. and European central banks will also keep the market propped up.

Hurricane Isaac did not have a major effect on crude prices this week, even though almost all of the oil production in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico was halted ahead of the storm. Production is expected to return to normal over the next several days.

Gasoline prices can fall even if oil prices stay relatively high because gasoline demand slows after the summer driving season and refiners can switch to cheaper winter blends of gasoline.

In other Nymex energy futures trading, heating oil rose 5 cents to $3.18 a gallon, while wholesale gasoline climbed 6 cents to $2.97 a gallon. Natural gas rose 5 cents $2.80 per 1,000 cubic feet.


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Siemens Enterprise Communications Named as 2012 Magic ...

Gartner has named Siemens (News ? Alert) Enterprise Communications as a leader in the 2012 Magic Quadrant for unified communications based on its completeness of vision and ability to execute.

Gartner (News ? Alert) judges a company?s completeness of vision based on current and future market direction, innovation, customer needs and competitive forces, and how well these map to Gartner?s overall evaluation of the market. Ability to execute is judged based on the quality, efficacy and overall maturity of the products, systems, tools and procedures that enhance individual, group and enterprise communications.

According to Gartner, vendors in the leader?s quadrant ?have a full UC offering, strong market presence and demonstrate success in the field. They have a strong presence in related markets to expand their footprint in UC. These vendors, and their channel partners, have experience delivering UC to a broad range of enterprise types and into most geographic regions.?

Siemens Enterprise Communications (News ? Alert) is a premier provider of end-to-end enterprise communications, including voice, network infrastructure and security solutions that use open, standards-based architectures to unify communications and business applications for a seamless collaboration experience.

Its software platform integrates reliable voice with video, messaging, mobility, contact center and Web collaboration solutions. With its global services network and the ability to deliver through the cloud, its customers have total flexibility to manage their transition to unified communications at their own pace, assisted by a wide range of deployment options.

?Siemens Enterprise (News ? Alert) Communications is proud to be recognized by Gartner as having a leading Unified Communications solution,? said Chris Hummel, chief commercial officer, Siemens Enterprise Communications. ?As a leading industry visionary, we continue to deliver flexible deployment options, extensive integration capabilities and unparalleled breadth and depth in global services, to provide customers of all sizes the easiest path to unified communications.?

Its unified communications and collaboration solution, OpenScape, is a mature, comprehensive unified communications solution that can integrate into diverse IT and telephony environments and with existing applications. Rich presence, mobility, audio, Web and video conferencing capabilities reduce communication costs, real estate costs and travel expenses.

OpenScape UC Suite is a proven all-software, SIP-based suite that provides organizations of any size, including those with hundreds of thousands employees, with the easiest path to collaborate more productively and communicate more seamlessly, inside and outside their organization.

Chris Hummel, chief commercial officer at Siemens, will be a keynote speaker at ITEXPO (News ? Alert) West 2012, the leading communications and technology conference and expo. As the president and global chief marketing officer, Hummel is responsible for sales, service and delivery to Siemens? extensive customer base in the North American region. To learn more about Hummel?s keynote presentation, click here.

To find out more about Chris Hummel and Siemens Enterprise Communications, visit the company at ITEXPO West 2012, taking place Oct. 2-5, in Austin, TX. Hummel will be a keynote speaker. Stay in touch with everything happening at ITEXPO. Follow us on Twitter.

Edited by Brooke Neuman


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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Gas prices spike even far from Isaac's path

Tony Dejak / AP

Drivers as far away as Ohio are facing the biggest one-day jump in gasoline prices in 18 months as Hurricane Isaac swamps the nation's oil and gas hub along the Gulf Coast. Ohio prices jumped 14 cents.

By JONATHAN FAHEY, Associated Press

NEW YORK --?Drivers are being hit with the biggest one-day jump in gasoline prices in 18 months just as the last heavy driving weekend of the summer approaches.

As Hurricane Isaac swamps the nation's oil and gas hub along the Gulf Coast, it's delivering sharply higher pump prices to storm-battered residents of Louisiana and Mississippi ? and also to unsuspecting drivers up north in Illinois, Indiana and Ohio.

The national average price of a gallon of gas jumped almost five cents Wednesday to $3.80, the highest ever for this date. Prices are expected to continue to climb through Labor Day weekend, the end of the summer driving season.

"The national average will keep ticking higher, and it's going to be noticeable," says Patrick DeHaan, senior petroleum analyst at

The wide storm shut down several refineries along the Gulf Coast and others are operating at reduced rates. In all, about 1.3 million barrels per day of refining capacity is affected. So, it's no surprise that drivers in Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi and Florida saw gas prices rise by a dime or more in the past week.

But some states in the Midwest are suffering even more dramatic spikes. Ohio prices jumped 14 cents, Indiana prices soared 13 cents and Illinois prices jumped 10 cents on Wednesday alone according to the Oil Price Information Service. Days before Isaac is expected to douse those states with rain, the storm forced the shutdown of a pipeline that serves a number of Midwest refineries.

Drivers in the region were angry and confused. ""I saw gas in my neighborhood for $3.56 a gallon just Tuesday morning, and now I'm paying $3.95. It's terrible," said Mary Allen of Cincinnati as she paid $20 for just over five gallons of gas. She wondered how Isaac could drive up gas prices in Ohio ? and then resigned herself to a holiday weekend without travel.

The price surge is happening at the wrong time and the wrong place for Dickson Stewart, a 56-year-old electronics consultant, who is driving from Minneapolis to Savannah, Ga. this week. He stopped at a BP station in downtown Chicago Tuesday ? home to some of the highest retail prices in the country ? and paid $4.49 a gallon to fill up his Jeep Wrangler.

Stewart expects gas prices to fall after Labor Day. Analysts say he's probably right.

As Isaac fades away, the summer driving season ends, and refiners switch to cheaper winter blends of gasoline, station?owners should start dropping prices. "There is some very good relief in sight," DeHaan says.

When Katrina hit in 2005, the national average for gas spiked 40 cents in six days and topped $3 per gallon for the first time. Isaac likely won't have the same result, though its full impact on the refineries is yet to be determined.

The refineries are not expected to suffer long term damage. But refiners decided to shut down or run at reduced rates to protect their operations.

These facilities consume enormous amounts of electric power and generate steam to cook crude oil into gasoline, diesel, jet fuel and heating oil. If a refinery loses power suddenly, operators can't properly clear the partially cooked oil out of pipes, and re-starting the refinery can take several days or even weeks.

In advance of Isaac, refineries instead conducted what is known as an orderly shutdown, so they can re-start as soon as the power supply is assured again. The Gulf refineries will likely stay off line for about three days.

Isaac cut into the amount of gasoline being produced, and raised fears that supplies could fall dangerously low if the storm proved worse than expected. When supplies drop or are threatened, wholesale prices rise. Then distributors and station owners have to pay more to fill up their station's tanks. They then raise their prices based on how much they paid for their current inventory, how much they think they will have to pay for their next shipment, and, how much their competitors are charging.

Prices spiked particularly high in the Midwest because Isaac forced Shell to close a pipeline that delivers crude from St. James, La. to refineries in the region.

Gasoline prices are particularly vulnerable to spikes around this time of year. Refiners keep a low supply of more expensive blends as driving season ends, knowing they'll soon be able to make cheaper winter blends of gasoline.

"We are really working with a just-in-time delivery system," said Tom Kloza, chief oil analyst at the Oil Price Information Service.

Pump prices were on the rise even before Isaac blew in. The average price for gas rose about 40 cents from July 1 to mid-August because of higher oil prices and refinery problems in the Midwest and West Coast. At $3.80 per gallon, the national average is the highest since May 1 and well above the previous record for Aug. 29, $3.67 in 2008.

Wednesday's jump of a nickel was the 10th biggest one-day jump on record, according to OPIS, and the biggest since the average price rose 6 cents on February 15, 2011 when turmoil in Libya was rising.

But prices could quickly come down if refineries can soon get up and running. Crude oil prices fell Wednesday and wholesale gasoline prices fell the past two days, suggesting the spike in retail gasoline prices could be short-lived. Americans will soon do less driving and the switch to cheaper blends will be well underway by mid-September.

That's still too late for Sharon Simon of Gadsden, Ala. She's driving 900 miles north to her daughter's wedding in Olean, N.Y. this weekend, and will now have to spend an extra $30 to $50 on gasoline for the trip. "Just as we are getting ready to head out the prices go up," she said. "I'm fed up with the surge in price every time there is a holiday."?

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At Venice: Michael Shannon darkens 'Iceman' role

VENICE, Italy (AP) ? Loving father and husband at home, a ruthless killer at work: The real-life Mafia hit man who inspired Ariel Vromen's new film, "The Iceman," had a steep after-work decompression curve.

"The Iceman," which premiered Thursday in competition at the Venice Film Festival, dissects the duality of the real life of Richard Kuklinski, who for decades killed on order while keeping the truth of his occupation from tainting his perfect suburban family life.

The movie stars Michael Shannon, the film world's latest Mafia hit man, Winona Ryder as his unsuspecting wife and Ray Liotta as the Mafia boss who sees hit-man potential in Kuklinski's dispassionate coolness and absence of fear.

Vromen said he was captivated when he saw Kuklinski, who was arrested in 1986, tell his story a 2006 documentary. He said he found himself surprised to feel empathy for a man eventually convicted of at least 100 mob hits and who may have committed more than twice that number.

All the while, Kuklinski created an idealized home life for his wife and two daughters, whom he sent to Catholic school and took on roller skating outings.

"I couldn't stop thinking about it, about why did I care about that really, really extreme monster? And it was haunting me, the fact that I did care, that I had a very, very deep empathy," Vromen said in an interview.

"It was quite a challenging struggle to write a script that would be balanced enough, to show on the one hand that this is the devil, and on the other hand not try to be corny and be an apologist for a character like that.

Vromen said he fought for two years to get Shannon for the role, warding off "the obvious choices."

"Michael Shannon comes with a darkness," Vromen said. "If he comes with darkness, my job is to be, how can I lighten that darkness? How can I make that darkness more refined?"

In a sign that Vromen was onto something, Shannon's two-year-old screen test for the role has gotten over 200,000 hits on YouTube.

"Every time I look at Kuklinski, I see the little boy he once was, and I try to imagine all the fear he had to endure as a child. I also see someone filled with self-loathing," Shannon said. "The one thing he did have in excess was rage. Rather than take it out on bystanders, he takes it out on people who, at the end of the day, weren't so innocent."

While Liotta joined the Hollywood hit men parade with his turn in "Goodfellas," Vromen said choosing him to play Mafia boss Roy Demeo was anything but typecasting.

"Ray didn't do a gangster for quite a long time," he said. "(But) I had to find the guy in Hollywood scarier than Michael Shannon."

Demeo's loyal underling is played against type by David Schwimmer.

"I said 'No, no, no! I can't have Ross from 'Friends' in the movie,'" Vromen said. Then Schwimmer sent pictures of him in makeup and the director saw that "he will do everything and anything to fit in," just like the character: a Jewish guy who wants to be a mobster.

For Ryder, playing the seemingly clueless wife meant she had to purge anything she already knew about Kuklinski, rip out all the script pages dealing with his mob activities and stay clear of the set on days they were filming his criminal side.

She didn't, however, attempt to reach out to the real life Deborah Pellicotti, who has denied any knowledge of her husband's activities and has since changed her name, because "I just don't know what I would have learned that much from her."

While Ryder played the unsuspecting wife, she is not entirely persuaded that was the case.

"I don't think you can be married for that long and go to sleep every night with someone, especially when he is getting up in the middle of dinner and going out and killing ... she's doing laundry, there's got to be blood," Ryder said.

Vromen said the only contact he's had with the Kuklinski family is on Facebook with the older daughter.

"She personally is so in love with her father," Vromen said. " She said it was very, very tough on her and the family to realize who he was, but it didn't take away the love she had. Until today, she refused to read any book or any article or any document about him."

He asked if she would see "The Iceman" and there was silence.

"And I said, 'Well, we got the answer,'" he said.


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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Myanmar boosts development of traditional medicine - Xinhua - Tags

YANGON,??????? 13 ?, Dec.eleven (Xinhua) -- The just-ended 12th Myanmar Traditional Medicine Practitioners Conference among Nay Pyi Taw has set guidelines apt encourage the development of Myanmar traditional medicine to penetrate never only servant market only likewise overseas mall.

To win public believe and reliance amid curing diseases using traditional medicine amid the long run the Myanmar health authorities are gearing up surrounded taking such measures because forming traditional medicine practitioners association, conducting courses aboard producing lofty standard traditional medicine, holding seminars, workshops aboard Myanmar traditional medicine outfit project, establishing herbal gardens across the country and opening traditional medicinal hospitals and hearts in regions and states.

Myanmar President U Thein Sein has urged the practitioners amid his information on the occasion of the conference apt maintain,timberland ?,defend and enhance the essence of Myanmar traditional medicine.

Noting that health and fitness of the always people namely the main pedaling coerce surrounded the national all-round evolution drive he called for full believe and confidence within their long-accepted indigenous medicine,meanwhile having the awareness aboard the vital character of Myanmar medicine surrounded public healthcare.

Apart from rustic folks, urban folk are also adopting and depending extra and extra aboard the traditional medicine, he pointed out, believing that the evolution and advancement of the medicine by the service of Myanmar people is an encouraging sign and proud.

He urged the practitioners to collectively heave the dignity and standard of the profession for their duties.

As the Myanmar traditional medicine namely playing a extra and accessory important character amid treating diseases amid the country, the ministry has placed extra stress on it, calling aboard traditional medicine practitioners apt vindicate and nourish them from depletion and apt guarantee their perpetual existence.

Myanmar namely conducting research aboard treatment of six momentous diseases -- diabetes, hypertension, malaria,TB diarrhea and dysentery amongst traditional medicine.

To do research extra effectively and aboard a wider scale apt have the Myanmar traditional medicine standardized, the country holds traditional medicine practitioners conference every annual to introduce the country's traditional medicine and its medicinal practices.

At the same duration the practitioners are also urged to aspire as the promotion of the standard of Myanmar traditional medicine to reach international class.

Encouragement has also been made to set up large traditional medicine industries with the private sector to generate strong drugs for common diseases, herbal gardens for medicinal plant conservation and find means to treat patients with the combined potency of the Western and Myanmar traditional medicine.

According apt the health authorities,????????, Myanmar has made arrangements for the mutation of the traditional medicine within line with the set standards, opening diploma lessons and practitioner lessons apt train able experts among the field.

A ten-year ahead Myanmar's Institute of Traditional Medicine conferred diplomas aboard traditional medicine apt those who had completed two-year learned course and one-year practical lesson.

In 2001, Myanmar established its University of Traditional Medicine among Mandalay,???????? ????, the second largest metropolis where traditional medicine, anatomy and physiology, microbiology and medicine and Chinese acupuncture are taught.

Meanwhile, Myanmar has set up the 1st national herbal park surrounded the fashionable king of Nay Phi Taw apt grow herbal and medicinal plants acclimate among producing medicines for treating assorted diseases.

An 81-hectare National Herbal Park was likewise established apt encounter international class.

Over 20,??????,000 herbal and medicinal plants of over 700 species from some 10 states and regions for producing medicines adapt among treating diseases like cholera, diarrhoes, dysentery, hypertension, diabetes, malaria and TB are being grown among the park.

The Myanmar traditional medicine, composed of such ingredients because roots, tubers,lamps natural items and animal productions has within a historical attitude represented the typical Myanmar civilization and traditional value and norms.

Myanmar traditional medicine namely acknowledged because an of the principal contributors to public health and a genuine legacy left by ancestors.
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Jordan warns Syrian refugees against rioting

AMMAN, Jordan (AP) ? Jordan's has warned Syrian refugees in its tent camp near the Syrian border against rioting.

Public security officials say rioting by 200 refugees late Tuesday over the camp's 'poor services' injured 26 Jordanian security officers.

Information Minister Sameeh Maaytah said Wednesday that Jordan 'will not tolerate' any such revolts in the future, although he did not mention any specific measures.

Jordan now hosts 180,000 Syrian refugees. Nearly 4,600 crossed the border in the past 24 hours as fighting between rebels and forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar Assad escalates, Maaytah said.

Jordan is racing to open a second refugee camp to handle the influx.

On Tuesday, dozens of protesters outside the U.N. refugee agency in Amman demanded the closure of the Zaatari tent camp due to its harsh desert conditions.


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A Trip to the Biltmore House with Kids ? Family Vacation Critic Blog

We recently spent a day exploring the Biltmore House in Ashville, North Carolina. I had visited as a young girl and was eager to take my family. Home to one of the most famous and wealthy families in the world, the Vanderbilts, it?s truly a glimpse into how they lived in the early 1900s.

I was worried how my 7 and 9 year olds would respond to the experience, but I tell you that my kids were just as impressed by the architecture and art as I was. The audio tour certainly helped accentuate the tour and helped hold their interest during the two hours or so that we toured the house. The tour was one of the most memorable aspects of our summer vacation, and one that we will be talking about for a long time.

The Biltmore Estate is the realization of George Washington Vanderbilt?s vision to create an estate both sustainable and beneficial to its surrounding community. The estate now encompasses acres of gardens, parklands and managed forests. The home features four acres of floor space, making up 250 rooms, 34 bedrooms, 43 bathrooms, and 65 fireplaces complete with an underground swimming pool, gymnasium, bowling alley, and kitchens. Its opulence has been utilized in films such as Forrest Gump, Being There, The Swan, The Last of the Mohicans and many others.

We toured through 42 rooms, which comprise 80 percent of the house via the audio tour (key to keeping kids happy and educational for all). It was pretty incredible learning about this incredible, rich part of American history, and my kids? curiosity was peaked.

We also visited the Biltmore Estate Winery, which fuses rich wine making tradition with state of the art technology and is where they produce 75,000 cases of roughly 15 varieties annually. The winery offers free-guided tours, tastings and seminars on their award winning wines, culinary demonstrations, live music and more.

Tickets into the Biltmore House are $49 each and includes:

? Self-guided visit of Biltmore House?? Access to gardens and Antler Hill Village
?? Access to our new Legacy exhibition, ?The Vanderbilts at Home and Abroad
? Free wine tasting and guided tour at the Winery?
? Plenty of dining and shopping opportunities
?? Free parking

Helpful Family-Friendly Tips to Plan Your Visit (provided by )

o The Biltmore House has a special right now ? kids ages 16 and under get free admission this summer (through September 3). Outside this promotion, kids ages 9 and younger are admitted free year-round when accompanied by a paying parent or guardian.
o Every restaurant is family-friendly. There are a variety of dining options on the estate, and every restaurant features a children?s menu and a helpful wait staff.
o The Winery is family friendly, with complimentary grape juice available for kids.
o Bring your stroller. Lightweight travel strollers or child backpack carriers are ideal for visiting Biltmore House. They allow you to navigate the house?s stairs with ease and give little feet a break.
o Take breaks during your tour of Biltmore House. There?s no rush to see it all. Sneak outside to the Stable Courtyard for some fresh air, a quick snack, or an early lunch at the Stable Caf?.
o Check out a Family Fun Itinerary page for fun and easy ideas.
o The Outdoor Adventure Center in Antler Hill Village is another great stop for families. Bike rentals, Segway tours, fly-fishing classes, and river float trips provide the opportunity to explore hidden areas of the estate. Stop by the Land Rover Driving experience especially for kids. Children drive a replica Land Rover over an adventurous terrain to experience this unique off-roading activity. The course is designed for children between four and eight years old.

When visiting the Biltmore, consider staying right on the property at the Inn on Biltmore Estate, which editor Lissa Poirot reviewed last summer.

? Holly Rosen Fink

Holly Rosen Fink is a mother, marketing consultant, writer and blogger for a number of sites, as well as her own, The Culture Mom.


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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Egypt's 'Google Earth pyramids' revisited

Google / DigitalGlobe / GeoEye

An intriguing site near an Egyptian town called Dimai consists of a large, square formation and smaller features.

By Alan Boyle

Remember that researcher who thought she spotted previously undiscovered Egyptian pyramids in Google Earth imagery? It turns out that there really are some ruins in the picture, but they?re not pyramids.

That's the verdict of an Italian archaeologist who has been surveying the area around the present-day town of Dimai in Egypt's Fayoum Desert.

"The features in Google images are well-known since 1925, when they were surveyed by G. Caton-Thompson and E.W. Gardner," Paola Davoli, an Egyptologist at Italy's University of Salento and co-director of the Soknopaiou Nesos Project, told me in an email. "They are natural mounds surmounted by a building (the biggest one) and by dug wells (in the other cases). For sure they are not pyramids, but their date and use are still not known."

The Dimai formations have been a subject of interest for many years. "We [have] still not dug them, but they will be the objects of future study by the Soknopaiou Nesos Project," Davoli said.

For more than a decade, the project has been doing a territorial survey of the area around Dimai, which was known as Soknopaiou Nesos during the Greco-Roman period in Egypt. The city is thought to have been founded by Ptolemy II in the third century B.C., on a site that shows evidence of habitation going back to the Neolithic period. During its heyday, it was situated on the shore of a large freshwater lake, but the lake has shrunk and gone salty since ancient times.

Davoli said the prevailing view is that the structures might have been watchtowers, designed to look over "an agricultural area or a paleo-lake just in front of them to the east," or perhaps tombs.

Dan Billin, a former newspaper reporter in New Hampshire who turned us on to the Soknopaiou Nesos Project, cites multiple reports about the Dimai site. "Micol was correct to think that at least one of the anomalies she saw on Google Earth was a man-made feature," Billin wrote in an email. "What she didn't manage to discover, however, was that archaeologists already knew about it, and that it's surrounded by numerous other archaeological sites."

Bob Brier, an Egyptologist based at Long Island University's C.W. Post Campus, said in an email that Billin's evaluation of the site "sounds like a reasonable scenario."

Google Earth via Angela Micol

Several eroded features can be seen in this image of terrain about 12 miles from Abu Sidhum, a city on the Nile.

"Note, there is no mention of pyramids," Brier wrote.

Micol had pointed to another intriguing area of the Egyptian desert with four mounds and a large, triangular-shaped plateau, alongside the Nile in Upper Egypt, 12 miles (19 kilometers) from Abu Sidhum. The prevailing view is that those formations are not mounds or pyramids built by human hands, but are buttes carved by natural erosion.

Such formations are commonly seen in that part of the desert, James Harrell, professor emeritus of archaeological geology at the University of Toledo, told Life's Little Mysteries.

More mysteries from Egypt:

Alan Boyle is's science editor. Connect with the Cosmic Log community by "liking" the log's?Facebook page, following?@b0yle on Twitter?and adding the?Cosmic Log page?to your Google+ presence. To keep up with Cosmic Log as well as's other stories about science and space, sign up for the Tech & Science newsletter, delivered to your email in-box every weekday. You can also check out?"The Case for Pluto,"?my book about the controversial dwarf planet and the search for new worlds.


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Whitetail Deer Hunting Trips Create Memories That Last A Lifetime

We love the thrill of the hunt. We dream of having that once in a lifetime, record book quality buck in our sites. That's what whitetail deer hunting trips are all about: the chance to make memories that will last a lifetime. The chance to harvest that big buck and return home with a trophy and a lifetime's worth of bragging rights.

If you love trophy whitetail deer hunting, you owe it to yourself to put yourself in the best position to see and get a shot at world class bucks. For most hunters-even serious hunters- the best way to do that is to go on guided whitetail deer hunting trips. The country's better game ranches offer several advantages over going it alone. These include:

The chance to spend your hunting time trophy whitetail deer hunting instead of scouting, tending food plots, and trying to work in time to pattern bucks around your day job.

The chance to hunt with professionals who have dedicated their lives to hunting and enhancing your hunting experience.

The chance to hunt larger deer. Whitetail deer hunting trips on a quality game ranch give you a better chance to harvest a large deer, a real trophy. This is largely because the better game ranches develop their feed plots scientifically, with forage which is designed to promote antler growth.

Regardless of where you hunt, the time spent in the woods is time well spent. There's nothing quite like whitetail deer hunting trips. From the time you spend up in the tree stand or in the blind to the time you spend swapping stories about the day's hunt back at the lodge, trophy whitetail deer hunting provides one of life's best opportunities to make memories.

Even an unsuccessful hunt can leave you with memorable moments. Still, most of us would prefer memories of a successful hunt. Above all, we want to be able to look back on the time we were able to hunt a true world class buck. Going on guided whitetail deer hunting trips offers us our best opportunity for real trophy whitetail deer hunting.

Any buck is a trophy, and most hunting memories are good memories. The right guided whitetail deer hunting trips can help you make great memories. It's worth the investment to hunt with true professionals who can help you get your once in a lifetime shot at a record class whitetail buck. After all, making memories is what it's all about.


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Prominent Sufi dies in Dagestan suicide bombing

MAKHACHKALA, Russia (AP) ? Thousands of mourners converged on a cemetery in Russia's republic of Dagestan on Tuesday night for the burial of a top Muslim religious leader who was killed in a suicide bombing hours earlier, Russian news agencies said.

Said Afandi, a leader of Sufi Muslims in the region, and five of his followers were killed by a female suicide bomber in an attack at Afandi's home in the village of Chirkei, said Dagestan Interior Ministry spokesman, Vyachelav Gasanov.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility or identification of the bomber, but the attack could be linked to tensions between Sufis and the Wahhabi sect that is the core of the insurgency in the republic. Afandi was a frequent public critic of Wahhabism.

In July, a top Muslim cleric in the Volga River republic of Tatarstan was gunned down and the republic's chief mufti was wounded when a bomb ripped through his car. Both victims had been vocal critics of radical groups that advocate a strict and puritan version of Islam known as Salafism.

In a visit to Tatarstan on Tuesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin presented state awards to the wounded mufti, Ildus Faizov, and relatives of the slain cleric Valiullah Yakupov.

Putin called for interethnic harmony and said of extremists: "You cannot defeat a unified, multinational, strong Russian nation because on the side of truth and justice are millions of people who fear nothing, who cannot be intimidated and know the price of peace."

The killing of Afandi highlighted the violent tensions that persist in Dagestan, even as neighboring Chechnya has become relatively pacified and orderly after two wars in the last 20 years between separatists and Russian forces.

Clashes with militants and attacks on police occur almost daily in Dagestan.

The Interfax and RIA Novosti news agencies said witnesses reported tens of thousands of mourners came to Afandi's burial.

Also Tuesday in Dagestan, a border guard opened fire on colleagues at a barracks, killing seven before being shot to death himself, Gasanov said. There was no indication of motivation.


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Monday, August 27, 2012

Series of moderate earthquakes rattles Southern California

By and news services

Updated at 11:58 p.m. ET: A rash of up to 70 moderate earthquakes rattled Southern California on Sunday, shaking an area from rural Imperial County to the San Diego coast and north into the Coachella Valley.

According to the USGS, the largest quake was 5.5-magnitude that rattled Brawley, Calif., small Imperial County farming town, just before 2 p.m.

A 5.3 magnitude quake struck at 12:31 p.m. about three miles north-northwest of Brawley, according to Paul Caruso, a geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey. It was followed minutes later by a 4.9 magnitude quake.

The epicenters of the bigger earthquakes were 11 to 12 miles from Imperial, Calif., and 15 to 16 miles from El Centro, Calif., the USGS reported.

Read the story at NBC 7 San Diego

Several glasses and a bottle of wine crashed to the floor and shattered at Assaggio, an Italian restaurant in Brawley, said owner Jerry Ma. The shaking was short-lived but intense, he said.? ?

"It felt like there was quake every 15 minutes. One after another. My kids are small and they're scared and don't want to come back inside," said Mike Patel, who manages Townhouse Inn & Suites in Brawley. A TV came crashing down and a few light fixtures broke inside the motel, Patel said.? ?

A Brawley Police Department dispatcher said several downtown buildings sustained minor damage. No injuries were reported.

The USGS said more than 100 aftershocks struck the same approximate epicenter, about 16 miles north of El Centro. Some shaking was felt along the San Diego County coast in Del Mar, some 120 miles from the epicenter, as well as in the Coachella Valley, southern Orange County and parts of northern Mexico.

Some shaking was felt on the coast in Del Mar, some 120 miles from the epicenter, as well as in southern Orange County and parts of northern Mexico.

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The quakes pushed 20 mobile homes at a trailer park off their foundations, displacing the families that lived in them, said Maria Peinado, a spokeswoman for the Imperial County Emergency Operations Center.

Sporadic power outages affecting 2,500 Imperial Irrigation District customers also prompted authorities to evacuate some patients from one of the county's two hospitals.

No injuries were reported.

Residents across San Diego County reported feeling the quakes in places including downtown San Diego, Mission Valley, Santee and Chula Vista. No injuries were reported.

San Diego State University geology expert Pat Abbott told NBC 7 San Diego that Sunday?s earthquakes were in the middle of the Brawley Seismic Zone, famous for swarms of quakes. He said he expected aftershocks.

?[The Brawley Seismic Zone] is a broad zone with lots of little faults,? Abbott explained.

?This area has clearly activated. We will likely experience swarms of 3, 4 and 5-magnitude [earthquakes] but they are not likely to increase in intensity. Of course, there are no guarantees on this, but history says they likely won?t get bigger ? that we will experience more of the same or smaller quakes,? he added.? and The Associated Press contributed to this story.

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Five Sales Management Mistakes in Business

josrzmsdki Posted by josrzmsdki on 5 hours ago

These tips can decide out how enormous and successful your business will become in the future. These are some significant sales management blunders that you have to avoid at any price.

Blurring the Line separating Recognition and Training

Congratulating your sales staff for a good job and moving immediately into debating areas of improvement can be really deceitful. This common blunder of method is usually regarded as an insignificant shortage of appreciation to their efforts. Provide quality sales and marketing courses to them all.

The Lack of Sales Support

Another common bad call most entrepreneurs make in business is the hiring of sales staff, without providing support at defined levels needed for them to be successful. Regardless of if what you have under your wing is a top performer and knows everything inside out of the industry, they need your support and attention, so that they can familiarize themselves with the company, its mission, the products and the markets. Dedication to sales force coaching can go a good way, and it pays great dividends long-term.

The Absence of Sales Accountability

There?s a likelihood that your reps will fail notwithstanding your support and the coaching they received. You might find it straightforward to pass it all off to external forces (powerful competition, poor selling, the funny economy), but don?t forget that you brought your sales rep on board to bring in the sales. You have to determine how to make business grow.

If they fail in spite of your full support and dedication to them, then you need to have a look at their performance. And who is answerable for this unsatisfactory performance? It is your sales management program naturally. The best practice is to separate recognition when you?re training and save their performance improvement areas to the training sessions. Recognize and celebrate their achievement separately with its own significant time, it?s these gestures that win hearts.

Having No Sales Plan At All

Of The lack of a clear sales plan in handling your marketing team is like setting them off blindly with no clear concept what they have to be doing.

To have a very highly efficient and successful salesforce, you need to supply them with steady planning, reviews and tracking, with each sales unit having its own action plans as a guide for its responsibility and everyday sales activities.

Putting Too Much Concentration on Control

Unsuccessful sales chiefs find themselves counting on intimidation or the control approach in handling the sales operation, which can often be terrible in a number of ways. All good sellers know the talents that set them aside from others and you can assure yourself they are going to turn their backs on you if you treat them poorly. Remember that successful management of the sales operations is reliant on a good collaboration between the sales executive and the people doing the selling. It suggests sharing the responsibility in ensuring the sales process is going nicely. Both ideals must be in synchronization with one another. You have to create an environment of firm sales responsibility.

At the day?s close, growing your company is pure difficult work. You have to answer the question, ??">how can I generate more business?" Wearing your sales boss hat is what helps you foster that rewarding culture that builds a very highly successful marketing team.


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Need Low Cost Acupuncture? Bristol Is Well Lined! ? Health ?

The reason it is said that acupuncture weight loss treatments can facilitate your lose weight is as a result of it?s believed to spice up your energy levels, and this can facilitate your exercise, and will cut back your cravings, and improve your circulation. Whats more, even with patients who were tormented by fatigue and chronic pain for so long as forty years, surveys showed that acupuncture helped a heap to extend energy levels.

I feel it can be easier to lose the weight with regular acupuncture weight loss treatments, however note that said it can be easier. This doesn?t mean that it is an one-stop answer, especially since it doesnt end in direct weight loss. Also understand that you merely maintain weight loss by changing your lifestyle and eating habits, and this doesnt amendment whether or not you opt to require acupuncture weight loss treatments or revert to a different methodology for losing weight.

For those who are taking large amounts of caffeine or other stimulants to combat fatigue there?s good news from the Arlington Heights acupuncture office of Dr. Wahl. Acupuncture and related techniques technique can help energize those who are often fighting to stay awake during the day. One such group that can benefit from this news is the student population.

Acupuncture works remarkably for insomnia because it brings back your natural sleep through natural remedies without drugs which might become a form of addiction later on. While you are receiving acupuncture treatment, your nervous system begins to calm you down as the acupuncture needles work by taking out your stresses and balancing your body energy and eliminate the causes of your insomnia. Patient may even fall asleep on the treatment table.

But will acupuncture for weight loss work? Definitely, every individual is unique, and what works for one individual won?t work for one more. However it?s definitely one thing that?s worth a try if you?re struggling to lose weight.

Gingivitis: it is the inflammation of gums in the mouth resulting in bleeding, redness, mouth odor and acute pain. This occurs due to the deficiency of nutrients and blood in that area. Acupuncture promotes more energy flow so that blood flow is generated.

Going the other way with the western view, the use of alternative medicine is rather the absence of prescription drugs and injections. Instead, it is based on freedom from any and all forms of chemical dependancy.

Most procedures consist of up to 12 sessions of treatments. Do not be afraid to ask to see the license when considering a certain acupuncturist.
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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Heart Disease Runs in the Family | Men's Health News

Father and son outdoors

Spell "cholesterol." C, H, O, L . . .

Are you at risk for heart disease? Check your grandpa?s obit. Having a relative die of heart complications before age 60 doubles your own risk of premature heart disease, according to a new study published in the Journal of American College of Cardiology. Even more: if it?s a parent or sibling, your risk shoots up 72 percent. If there are two or more premature cardiovascular deaths, your risk increases two-fold compared to just one.

Researchers studied the family history of about 4 million people from a public health care database?the largest study to look at the matter?and found the risk to hold true independent of other heart disease risk factors like high blood pressure, cholesterol levels, or diabetes.

?Whenever we see events that occur early in life clustering in families, we tend to think that there must be an underlying genetic contribution,? says Mattis F. Ranthe, M.D., Ph.D. student at Statens Serum Institut in Copenhagen, and researcher of the study. More specifically, bad genes are to blame, adds Eric Topol, M.D., director of the Scripps Translational Science Institute, and Men?s Health cardiology advisor.

The only thing is, doctors can?t yet pinpoint just which genes are the bad ones. ?I?ll have patients come in who know they have this issue in the family wondering if they?ll have the same fate,? says Dr. Topol. ?Hopefully in the future we can look at genes and determine which ones could be risk factors.?

Until then, if early death from heart complications runs in the family, it?s time to go into high gear prevention mode, says Dr. Topol. If you?re not sure, try to find out what you can about your family history by asking around or checking public death records, says Dr. Ranthe. And clean up your act?whether or not it runs in the family. Being overweight, smoking, drinking, and high blood pressure up your risk of heart problems, and are easy changes to make. (For tips on how to shed pounds, eat right, and change your life fast, sign up for our Daily Dose Newsletter?it?s FREE!)

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    Saturday, August 25, 2012

    Women's Volleyball: North Florida vs Missouri , 08/24/12 12:30 PM CT


    Download Schedule To Microsoft Outlook | Download Schedule Card Open PDF

    2012-2013 SCHEDULE


    Date Opponent / Event Location Time
    08/17/12 Black & Gold Scrimmage Columbia, Mo. W, 3-0
    2012 Tiger Invitational
    08/24/12 Nicholls State vs. Michigan Columbia, Mo. 10:30 a.m. CT
    ? vs. North Florida Columbia, Mo. 12:30 p.m. CT
    ? Virginia Tech vs. Nicholls State Columbia, Mo. 2:30 p.m. CT
    ? Michigan vs. North Florida Columbia, Mo. 4:30 p.m. CT
    ? vs. Virginia Tech Columbia, Mo. 7:00 p.m. CT
    08/25/12 vs. Nicholls State Columbia, Mo. 12:30 p.m. CT
    ? Michigan vs. Virginia Tech Columbia, Mo. 2:30 p.m. CT
    ? North Florida vs. Nicholls State Columbia, Mo. 4:30 p.m. CT
    ? vs. Michigan Columbia, Mo. 7:00 p.m. CT
    2012 Lipscomb Invitational
    08/31/12 vs. Houston Nashville, Tenn. 10:00 a.m. CT
    ? at Lipscomb Nashville, Tenn. 7:30 p.m. CT
    09/01/12 at Appalachian State Nashville, Tenn. 12:30 p.m. CT
    Morehead State Invitational
    09/07/12 vs. Valparaiso Morehead, Ky. 1:00 p.m. CT
    ? at Morehead State Morehead, Ky. 7:00 p.m. CT
    09/08/12 vs. South Carolina State Morehead, Ky. 11:00 a.m. CT
    ? vs. Savannah State Morehead, Ky. 5:00 p.m. CT
    09/12/12 vs. Tennessee * TV Columbia, Mo. 7:00 p.m. CT
    09/16/12 vs. Ole Miss * Columbia, Mo. 1:30 p.m. CT
    09/21/12 at Florida Gainesville, Fla. 6:00 p.m. CT
    09/23/12 at LSU Baton Rouge, La. 1:00 p.m. CT
    09/28/12 vs. Texas A&M Columbia, Mo. 6:30 p.m. CT
    09/30/12 vs. Georgia * Columbia, Mo. 1:30 p.m. CT
    10/05/12 at Tennessee * Knoxville, Tenn. 6:00 p.m. CT
    10/07/12 at Alabama * Tuscaloosa, Ala. 1:30 p.m. CT
    10/14/12 vs. Mississippi State TV Columbia, Mo. 12:00 p.m. CT
    10/19/12 at Ole Miss * TV Oxford, Miss. 7:30 p.m. CT
    10/21/12 at Auburn * Auburn, Ala. 1:30 p.m. CT
    10/24/12 at Georgia * TV Athens, Ga. 6:00 p.m. CT
    10/28/12 at Arkansas Fayetteville, Ark. 1:00 p.m. CT
    11/02/12 vs. South Carolina * Columbia, Mo. 6:30 p.m. CT
    11/06/12 vs. Arkansas State Columbia, Mo. 6:30 p.m. CT
    11/09/12 vs. Florida * Columbia, Mo. 6:30 p.m. CT
    11/11/12 vs. LSU Columbia, Mo. 1:30 p.m. CT
    11/16/12 at Texas A&M College Station, Texas 6:30 p.m. CT
    11/18/12 at Mississippi State Starkville, Miss. 1:30 p.m. CT
    11/21/12 vs. Kentucky * Columbia, Mo. 6:30 p.m. CT
    11/23/12 vs. Alabama Columbia, Mo. 6:30 p.m. CT

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